Website Cornerstones
Technical Primer for building a website

If you hang around the Web Department at Idea Bank, you'll have plenty of opportunities to listen to geek-speak. If you're like most, you may need a translation. This article should clear up some of the details when beginning talks about your website. So here it is in plain English with analogies to boot.
Technical Details:
- Website: A collection of files (code, text and images) that create pages of information. Let’s call this your “household” with furniture, clothes, and everything including the kitchen sink. Idea Bank designs and develops websites.
- Host: The server that stores files on the World Wide Web. This would be your “home” – the physical place where you keep your household goods. Click here for tips on how to choose the right hosting service.
- Domain: The name, or “address” of your home/website, which allows people to find you. A domain name must be purchased through a registrar. Click here for tips on choosing a domain name.
- ISP: An Internet Service Provider gives you access to the Internet, just as a “street” would allow you to access specific locations, such as your home. They may provide different speeds or security, but don’t have anything to do with your specific website, unless they too offer hosting services.
- Email: Just as you can mail a letter to a specific address, so can people email you using your domain. This involves getting an email service (usually through your ISP) and pointing your domain to that service. At this point, you have many options in selecting a service that’s just right for you whether you need your email tied to your domain or not.
That’s as technical as it gets. Now you can start dreaming up “house-plans” for your new website. Just feel free to ask our realtors: Ann Martin, and Sherma Jones about the snazzy websites developed here at IdeaBank Marketing. The foundations are strong, the construction is timeless, and the neighborhood is great! We even have a neighborhood watch program.
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