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Ideas In Motion

Direct Mail: Tried and True

Creating leads & converting sales through standard marketing

Even though the U.S. Post Office has struggled lately, direct mailings via ’snail mail’ can still be an effective way to promote your business. With the rise of online marketing, social media and email blasts, the general belief was that the Internet would kill di...


Billboard Advertising Tips

Billboards can yield big results with the right message and focus.

People love seeing their name in print, especially when it's 20 feet tall! Billboards are the big-boys of advertising. There are over 400,000 billboards in the United States that generate over $6 billion dollars in advertising revenue annually. But billboards aren...


Buying Cable TV Spots: The Pros and Cons

Target Your Audience with these Tips

Deciding which channel and what time of the day to place your TV ads can be quite a chess game. What is the best move? Do you pay hundreds of dollars for one, 30-second spot during a primetime show or do you pay a few bucks per spot and schedule it multiple times a...


SEO Copywriting

Writing effective content for your website

It should come as no surprise that people approach websites differently than when sitting down to read a novel. People expect to skim web content and avoid reading lengthy paragraphs. This is great to keep in mind when writing content for your website, but even mor...


Value Your Business

Success begins with believing in what you do!

Why are you in business? Seriously, I’d like to know. Is it your passion? Is it your identity? Is it a place to kill time? Do you love what you do? If not, why are you still doing it? Life is short, my friend! Get off your duff and make some changes! OK, my rant ...


Finding the Right Fit

What to look for in an Interactive Marketing Partner

Choosing a partner to create interactive marketing materials takes some extra considerations. Here’s a checklist that will help you determine whether a prospective partner can deliver what you need. Make sure the vendor... Has the experience needed to ensure a ...


The Power of Research

Market Research - How it can help you reach your goals.

Who are your customers? What do they want? Why do they buy? What does your target market know about your brand? These questions are integral to your marketing plan and your company’s survival. They need to be asked regularly, and they can only be answered by marke...


The Trade Show Advantage

Getting the best bang for your buck

Are trade shows worth it? In a word, YES! No other marketing venue delivers what a well-run trade show can: a constant stream of potential buyers who are not only interested in what you have to sell, but also have the power, resources and authority to make buying ...


About this thing called voice.

How to portray yourself when writing for your organization

Your voice is more than the lilting sound that spills from your lips when you speak, or the yowling wail you inflict upon fellow patrons at the karaoke bar. It’s how you portray yourself when writing ad or web copy, or posting to your Facebook page or blog. With mi...


What do you know about Google AdWords Express?

How to reach your local market

Google offers a variety of marketing options for businesses throughout its search engine networks. The main ones are Google+ Local page (an online one-page business summary of your business that includes business name, hours of operation, short description and phot...


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