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About this thing called voice.

How to portray yourself when writing for your organization

Your voice is more than the lilting sound that spills from your lips when you speak, or the yowling wail you inflict upon fellow patrons at the karaoke bar. It’s how you portray yourself when writing ad or web copy, or posting to your Facebook page or blog. With mi...


Spam spam eggs and spam

Mass Email Marketing - how to get it right.

Email is the fastest and easiest way of communicating with your audience, but beware before you hit that send button! You could be accused of spamming with severe repercussions. SPAM, named after the famous Monty Python skit, is the reviled bulk email messages that...


What do you know about Google AdWords Express?

How to reach your local market

Google offers a variety of marketing options for businesses throughout its search engine networks. The main ones are Google+ Local page (an online one-page business summary of your business that includes business name, hours of operation, short description and phot...


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